Teaching My Child About Christ- Where Do I Start? - Mansfield Christian School

Teaching My Child About Christ- Where Do I Start?



January 18, 2017








How should you begin the process of teaching your child about Christ?  New parents of very young children often ask us this question when they enroll their child in preschool.  Our answer, start with respect. 

Begin teaching them respect for God and His authority.  All of us enjoy teaching toddlers fun Bible stories than emphasize that Jesus is our friend, but we can’t stop there.  The psalmist tells us that the fear of the Lord is the beginning of wisdom, so lay the foundation for spiritual wisdom by instilling a respect for God.

Christian schools are here to help you do this by teaching truths such as: God is strong, He can do anything.  God always keeps His promises.  God gives us rules that we must obey.  Even if Mom and Dad can’t see what you are doing, God sees it.  God disciplines us because He loves us.  These simple truths are lessons your child can’t miss during those early years.

Learning a healthy respect for God at this young age will give them the right understanding of respect for authority for the rest of their lives.  A respect for their parents, teachers, and pastors will flow naturally from learning a respect for God.  We can help you.  We are better together.


Premise taken from the Faith Formation Plan at Mansfield Christian School (originally based on the article, “Introducing Your Child to God” by Larry Fowler).

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