STEM & Bob Dylan: 3 Reasons Your Child Should Take a STEM Class Now - Mansfield Christian School

STEM & Bob Dylan: 3 Reasons Your Child Should Take a STEM Class Now



September 30, 2016










STEM and Bob Dylan:  3 Reasons Your Child Should Take a STEM Class Now 



“If your time to you is worth saving, then you better start swimming, or you’ll sink like a stone; for the times, they are a changin’.” 


When I asked our teachers if they knew who said or wrote these words, many immediately answered correctly – it was singer Bob Dylan in 1964.  Teachers pay close attention to the culture and are well aware that Dylan’s reference to a major culture shift in the 1960s could be echoed today as both the culture and the job market have changed dramatically. 


Every generation faces change, and at MCS, we must continue to provide excellent training to live a life consistent with a Biblical worldview as the culture shifts away from our faith.  We must also make sure our children are prepared for their calling, college, and career in our highly connected and competitive world.   


Education targeted at the intersection of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) helps us accomplish these objectives and there are three critical reasons that I see your child should take a class in STEM at MCS. 

1. Problem-solving skills are the #1 quality that employers are looking for in employees.  Spherion is a major national recruiting and staffing company and Division President, Sandy Mazur, was in Mansfield last week speaking to local employers about developing talent for the workforce.  She stated that according to the recent Emergent Workforce Study, what both employers and employees say is most important to get and keep a job are: problem-solving skills, strategic thinking, technology skills, and the ability to understand data.  Each of these skills are the primary targets of the new STEM program at MCS – particularly the ability to solve problems as a means of Christian service. 

 2. The job market has changed and will continue to change in favor of STEM related fields.  Report after report indicates that the fastest growing occupations are those in STEM fields such as engineering, accounting, computer science, finance, and communications.  Northcentral Ohio is fortunate to have a number of successful businesses that rely on STEM training such as those in manufacturing, healthcare, and data systems communications.  Providing our students will a head start in STEM education and connecting local employers with our program are valuable ways that MCS can help keep our graduates working in the community. 

 3. STEM education can lead your child into a deeper understanding of who God is and His design for them.  Despite our fallen condition, humans retain the imprint of the Creator.  A characteristic common to God and humanity is the desire and ability to make things.  The image of God affirms human creativity as something good since it is an imitation of what God does.  The curious minds of children are anxious to innovate because they are like their Heavenly Father.  This deeper understanding of who God is helps children understand themselves – it provides meaning and purpose for life and learning.   


I would love for you to learn more about our STEM program by attending the Annual Fall Banquet on October 28, at 6:30pm, at MCS.  This wonderful evening, featuring a full-meal and entertainment free of charge, will highlight the launch of STEM education at MCS.  Guests will hear from STEM teacher, Brian Miller, among others and learn of how they can help us meet our program needs in areas such as equipment and connections.  No other school in northcentral Ohio has attempted to do what we are doing – providing a K-12 STEM program that is grounded in Biblical worldview.  This is a pioneer effort and it will be exciting for both your family and ours to participate in this incredible work of God.   

Please RSVP at your earliest convenience – I hope to see you there! 

Dr. Cy Smith, Superintendent  





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